標題: free run nike rose How To Choose a Stand Up Inflat

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註冊 2016-7-2
用戶註冊天數 2923
發表於 2016-7-5 18:08
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Selecting the Right Product
Let's start with some terminology. There are three terms that pretty much describe the same thing and we use them interchangeably throughout this review:
SUP is obviously just an acronym for Stand Up Paddleboard. A "paddle board" can also just be a long board used for prone or manual paddling across flat water. You kneel and paddle with just your arms. It's not the most comfortable position so, not surprisingly, it's a sport with limited participation.
From left: Tava, Adventurer, Baron 6, Explorer, Jobe, Touring (previous model), Uli, Touring (new model), and the Raven.
Credit: Valentine Cullen" alt="From left: Tava, Adventurer, Baron 6, Explorer, Jobe, Touring (previous model), Uli, Touring (new model), and the Raven.
Credit: Valentine Cullen">
From left: Tava, Adventurer, Baron 6, Explorer,nike free lunar, Jobe, Touring (previous model),nike air force 2014, Uli, Touring (new model), and the Raven.Credit: Valentine Cullen
Key Components of a SUP
First thing to consider are the dimensions.
Example of different amounts of nose rocker.
Credit: Valentine Cullen" alt="Example of different amounts of nose rocker.
Credit: Valentine Cullen">
Example of different amounts of nose rocker.Credit: Valentine Cullen
Types of Stand Up Paddle Boards
There are many types of SUPS, but here we break the category into four main styles.
Four different styles from L to R: inflatable, surf, race and touring.
" alt="Four different styles from L to R: inflatable, surf, race and touring.
Four different styles from L to R: inflatable, surf,nike blazer basse homme bleu, race and touring.

Inflatable paddle board testing on Lake Tahoe.
Credit: Chris McNamara" alt="Inflatable paddle board testing on Lake Tahoe.
Credit: Chris McNamara">
Inflatable paddle board testing on Lake Tahoe.Credit: Chris McNamara
Is an inflatable SUP right for me?
Inflatables come with some distinct pros and cons.